
1. General

1.1. We must enter into a contract for use of the C-BOX lockers (hereinafter the Contract). You – the user of C-BOX locker – (hereinafter you, the User) are one of the parties to the Contract and we, C-BOX OÜ, registry code 16191775, located at Kose tee 22a, Tallinn, Republic of Estonia (hereinafter C-BOX, we) are the other party to the Contract. The object of the Contract is the use of the collectively-used lockers bearing the trademark C-BOX (hereinafter the locker or lockers) and the services associated with them by you in the designated areas (hereinafter the Service Area) (hereinafter the Service).

1.2. These general terms and conditions are the main content of the Contract, but the following are an integral part of the Contract in addition to the general terms and conditions:

1.2.1. The privacy policy of the C-BOX mobile app, website and webapp belonging to C-BOX (hereinafter named together as app or application)

1.2.2. The legislation of the Republic of Estonia and the local administration of your location, primarily the legislation that concerns traffic and public order;

1.2.3. The Price List of the services of the C-BOX, which is accessible in our application;

1.2.4. the guidelines, help materials and instructions displayed in the application and on the service website;

1.2.5. the terms and conditions of special and discount offers;

1.2.6. the other terms and conditions to which we refer in the Contract or in the application on the basis of the Contract.

1.3. We reserve the right to amend the Contract, incl. the price list, at any time, because our services and products are constantly developing. None of the amendments will take effect in respect of you before we have made the amended terms and conditions accessible to you either on our website or via our mobile application. We will also notify you of any amendments to the General Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy via the application, using the contact details linked to the account or in another reasonable manner. If you continue using the services after the amended Contract has been made accessible to you, we will regard this as your consent to the amendments.

1.4. Every user of our application must:

1.4.1. be at least 18 years old;

1.4.2. create themselves a personal account in our mobile application;

1.4.3. allow for themselves to be identified on the basis of their personal mobile phone number, full name and user account (hereinafter the Identification);

1.4.4. in order to use the services, link the application account to a valid credit or debit card (hereinafter the Selected Means of Payment);

1.4.5. link the application account to the User’s mobile phone. Use of the service requires processing the personal data of the User, including determination of their location, linking the mobile phone number to the account, and processing of card data and the client’s data in our database.

2. C-BOX application and user account

2.1. Using the service requires installation of the C-BOX mobile application software (hereinafter the Application) on the User’s mobile device and the creation of a personal user account (hereinafter the Account).

2.2. When your create and use the Account, you must use and enter your real name, correct personal and bankcard data and always keep this information up to date.

2.3. Your User Account is personal and you are responsible for the access to and the use and security of the Account, incl. unlocking and using of locker and the legality of the goods installed there.

2.4. If you suspect that your Account has been accessed or used without your permission or you have lost the ability to control your Account for any other reason, please notify us of this immediately by sending an e-mail to info@c-box.eu or calling customer support on +372 68 400 55.

2.5. We have the right to suspend the use of the Account or block access to the Account temporarily in order to protect your and our rights for the duration of the investigation of the activities related to the Account. We have the right and obligation to restrict the use of the Account in the cases where this is necessary for the prevention of offences, achievement of the goals of customer support, performance of contractual obligations or requirements arising from law, compliance with a court ruling or an administrative act of a law enforcement authority or another supervisory or state authority.

2.6. You have the right to delete your account at any time you want to. In this case all the data and history related to the account (except the invoices for the used services) will be erased from the database and it is not possible to restore your data or account.

2.7. In order to provide the service, C-BOX notifies you about all the goods delivered into your booked locker and shares other important, unavoidable information about the usage of lockers via phone, app notifications and email. Furthermore, if you agree to receive our newsletters, C-BOX gives you information about the usage possibilities of our lockers and special offers via email and app notifications twice a month. You can any time opt out of the letters and notifications that are not necessary to the usage of lockers.

3. The Usage of Lockers

General rules of use

3.1. The locker must be used in compliance with effective legislation and, above all, safely in respect of the health and property of you and third parties.

3.2. In order to use the locker, you must open the Application and log in your User Account. We enter into a separate contract on the terms and conditions stipulated in this Contract every time you use the locker. The moment the Locker is booked is the moment when the new contract is entered into.

3.3. Please note that when you use our Service, you gain, for a fee, the right of personal possession and use of the locker for a specified term and for its intended purpose (i.e. to recieve and hand over goods). The locker belongs to C-BOX OÜ at all times. The right to use the locker does not cover the right to damage, break, remove, change or dismantle the locker or its parts.

3.4. When you book the locker, you agree that you will use the locker according to the terms and conditions established or referred to in the Contract. Please note that breaching or ignoring the requirements may lead to liability, incl. (contractual) penalties and claims for damage against you as well as the cancellation of the Contract.

3.5. The User who has booked a locker is responsible for maintaining the condition of the locker during the period of use and for maintaining the condition of the locker as it was at the start of the use. If the locker has significantly soiled or needs a repair due to its improper usage, you will be asked to compensate for the cost of repairing the locker.

The Booking and Usage of Locker

3.6. In order to use the Service, you must download the C-BOX mobile application from Google Play or Apple App Store, create a personal User Account and enter the details of your personal valid credit or debit card.

3.7. When you book the locker with the Application, you agree to use the locker for a fee according to valid Price List. For further information about our fees and payment terms see clause 4.1.

3.8. Every time you book the locker, you confirm that you are familiar with: the terms and conditions, obligations and restrictions and requirements for you set forth in the Contract;

3.9. Booking the lockers is a service subject to a fee and the fee is calculated whilst booking the locker depending on the size, specifics of the locker and the length of booking period in days, on the basis of the price list applicable at the time of booking the locker. The fee applied is displayed in the Application whilst booking the locker.

3.10. Calculation of the booking fee starts from the moment the booking is confirmed and ends either with the cancellation of the booking or the end of the booking period. The booking fee will not be reduced if you pick up the goods before the end of the booking period.

3.11. To deliver goods to the C-BOX parcel machines, it is not necessary to register as a user on the app. Anyone who has received the permission and instructions from the person booking the locker can deliver packages to the lockers.

3.12. The goods from all the online shops, merchants and service providers offering home delivery can be ordered into the C-BOX locker. The client has to take into account the following: The dimensions of the locker (the width of the biggest locker is 55 cm; height 34 cm; depth 42 cm). The goods have to be packed leak-proof. The weight of the goods in one locker can not exceed 30 kg.

3.13. After booking the C-BOX locker, you will retrieve a non-recurrent 5-digit C-code that can be used for the delivery of goods. You can use it yourself to insert your goods into the locker or forward it to the courier or anyone else delivering goods for you. You will be notified via SMS and e-mail if your goods have arrived into the locker and will also receive a new C-code that you can use for the withdrawal of goods during the booking period. Read more about different ways to use C-BOX from C-BOX app or website.

3.14. When booking a locker, it is possible to choose between three different internal temperatures (if the type of locker allows it): “neutral”, “cool”, “warm”.

3.15.1. When the internal temperature of “neutral” is selected, the temperature does not change and the locker has a similar temperature to the outdoor one. The “neutral” setting is well suited for goods that are not temperature sensitive.

3.15.2. When the internal temperature of “cool” is selected, the temperature of the locker is +5 degrees during the booked period (with a permissible variation +/- 2 degrees), same as in your home refirgerator. The “cool” setting is well suited for temperature sensitive groceries.

3.15.3. When the internal temperature of “warm” is selected, the temperature of the locker is +45 degrees during the booked period. The “warm” setting is well suited for the short-time storage of warm ready-to-eat food delivery.

4. Payment Terms and Penalties

4.1. You must pay the fee for using the locker and the services on the basis of the Price List displayed in the Application (hereinafter the Price List). The Price List is displayed upon opening the Application’s booking view. Our prices include VAT. The fee for using the lockers is calculated in days for your chosen booking period and starts when you click “Book and get the code” in the Application.“ If you choose the current day as the start day of your booking, the booking day starts at the moment when booking was activated. If you choose the next day or any other coming date as the start date of your booking, the booking starts at 00:01 in the chosen date. The booking day ends at 23:59 of your chosen end date of the booking.

4.2. You can cancel your booking free of charge 15 minutes after booking the locker assuming the C-code has not been used to insert the goods into the locker. You can cancel your booking anytime later as well if your goods have not been delivered yet but in this case the booking fee is charged for the days starting with the booking and ending with the cancellation.

4.3. Payment for the Services will be made by a valid credit or debit card (Visa, Mastercard), which you have linked to your Account in the Application. You can access the invoices for each booking in our Application where you can also ask them to be e-mailed to you ( the e-mail address that you have inserted under your account information will be used).

4.4. We may charge a service fee for each payment when a credit or debit card is used for payment and it will be added to each service order. The purpose of the service fee is to pay the services fees of Visa/Mastercard. The amount of the service fee is displayed in the Application. Your bank may charge extra fees for the use of the credit or debit card, which will not be displayed in the Application.

4.5. We may use payment authorisation every time the User adds a new payment card. In such cases you may receive a notification about this from the bank. This is a temporary reservation to obtain a promise of payment from the issuing bank to rule out any possible credit or debit card fraud. The reservation may be shown as a pending transaction. Please keep in mind that depending on the bank’s policy, releasing a pre-authorised transaction may take a couple of working days – please contact the issuing bank for detailed information.

4.6. In order to dispute an amount debited by us from the means of payment selected by you, you must submit to us a written application according to clause 8.1 within ten (10) working days of the day the disputed amount was debited.

4.7. You must inform us immediately if changes have occurred in the means of payment linked to your Account, which may prevent us from debiting the contractual fees.

4.8. We may issue discount coupons or codes (hereinafter the Special Offers), which are subject to the special terms and conditions of the specific Special Offer in addition to the Contract. We reserve the right to change or cancel the Special Offers at our discretion at any time. We may suspend or cancel the Special Offer(s) and the use of the Application by you at any time if we have reason to believe that the use or redemption of the Special Offer(s) was done incorrectly, by way of fraud, unlawfully or by breaching the terms and conditions of the Special Offer.

4.9. In the course of campaigns and services we may give you C-BOX credit that can be exchanged for C-BOX services. This credit has monetary value only for consumption of C-BOX services by you personally. C-BOX credit cannot be converted into money or reimbursed in other way.

4.10. We reserve the right to use your C-BOX App credit (including funds you have transferred to your C-BOX App as well as credit provided by us) to cover any fees or damages to us like payment for our services and for penalties we might effect under these terms and conditions.

4.11. We hope that using the Scooters takes place reasonably and without faults, but in order to guarantee the sustainability of our business we establish that all fees, penalties, damages and costs that we incur as a result of the impermissible use of lockers by you or because you breached any law, rule, regulation or other order when using the Service are subject to be be fully compensated for by you.

4.12. In addition to other legal remedies, we have the right to fine you for any breaches of the obligations arising from the Contract as follows:

4.12.1. If you have not withdrawn your goods by the end of the booking periood nor notified C-BOX of your wish to extend the booking period, you undertake to pay a contractual penalty for the removal and following storage in the amount of up to 100 euros. We usually impose penalty 10€ for the removal of goods + 3€ for every storage day of the removed goods.

4.12.2. If we have to pay a penalty or another amount for an offence committed by you and we must demand compensation for said amount from you, we have the right to demand a contractual penalty in the amount of up to 200 euros to cover the procedural expenses.

4.13. You give us permission to use the means of payment selected by you, which is linked to your Account, for debiting all of the fees and other amounts subject to payment. We will apply other means of collection if we cannot use the Selected Means of Payment. In this case, you agree to pay default interest to us and compensate us for the expenses related to the collection of debts, including legal expenses. Liability

5. Liability

5.1. You confirm and agree that you use the Services, the Scooters and their accessories in your personal capacity and we cannot be held liable for the consequences, claims, actions, damages, injuries, fees, expenses, penalties, legal expenses or other expenses present or emerging upon the provision of the Service in respect of you or third parties irrespective of whether or not they could be foreseen. You confirm that you are aware of said risks and they will be borne by you.

5.2. The locker is a sophisticated device operating over the Internet that consists of several important parts (locker, smart locks, controller, router,temperature control device), each of which or the co-functioning of which may be affected by technical faults even if they have been maintained as required and passed all tests. C-BOX does everything on its part in order to prevent, avoid and solve service failures caused by technical problems as quickly as possible. However, you must take into account the risks associated with technical faults that may cause the unopening of the lockers, temperature problems etc.

5.3. If the functionality of the Application is defective or you find that there is an error in the Application, please inform us about this according to clause 8.1. We will eliminate any errors as soon as possible. We hereby state that we cannot assume the obligation to guarantee that the Application functions without errors at all times. Please be understanding in the situations where the use of the Application is restricted due to a technical fault.

5.4. We cannot be held liable for the damage caused by the Application not functioning or the impossibility to use the Application in the desired manner.

5.5. All of our services, equipment or tools that can be used via us are offered on the basis of the as is principle. We do not guarantee that all of the equipment and services provided by us are free of errors or equivalent at all times and at all places. The condition of the lockers may be different. You make the decision to use each item on each occasion and when you start using the Service, you agree to and accept the condition of each specific item. If the condition of an item or service provided by us does not meet your requirements, decide against using it immediately.

5.6. We exclude the grant of guarantees that are direct, indirect or established with legislation, or the guarantee of specific conditions to the extent permitted by legislation. Above all, we exclude any direct or indirect claims, guarantees, confirmations and promises in respect of whether: (a) the information concerning the services, including the guidelines displayed in the Application, is accurate, complete, correct, adequate, useful, timely or reliable; (b) the faults or errors in services will be rectified; (c) the services are accessible at a certain time or in a certain Service Area; (d) the use of the services by you is lawful in the jurisdiction of the Republic of Estonia.

5.7. Any indirect guarantees and conditions associated with the Service are excluded to the extent permitted by legislation. The provisions of the Contract do not exclude, restrict or amend any guarantee, condition, exercise of a right or legal remedy, which arises from the legislation applicable to the Contract and which cannot be lawfully excluded, restricted or amended.

5.8. If a guarantee or condition arises from applicable legislation and cannot be excluded (hereinafter the Non-excludable Condition) and we do not have the right to restrict your use of a legal remedy upon a breach of the Non-excludable Condition, our liability in the event of a breach of said condition is limited to the following to the extent permitted by law:

5.8.1. in the case of items, only with their replacement or the delivery of an equivalent item, repair of the item, compensation for the cost of replacement of the item or purchase of an equivalent item or the cost of repairing the item; or

5.8.2. in the case of services, only with the provision of the Service again or compensation for the cost of providing the Service again.

5.9. In any case, our total liability in the case of any claims arising from the Contract, including in the case of claims that have arisen from non-contractual debt relationships or on other grounds, is limited to the amount that does not exceed 350 euros or the amount that was paid to us for the period of use of the locker during which the event or accident that is the basis for the claim occurred, depending on which of these is smaller.

5.10. Neither of the parties to the Contract shall be held liable for damages or delays or the failure to perform an obligation if this was caused by a force majeure event, including a natural disaster, earthquake, fire, flood, war, terrorism, public unrest, labour or military conflict, sabotage, strikes or lockouts, pandemic, epidemic, mass unrest, faults or disruptions in utility or communication services, extensive cyber attack, court ruling, actions of the state or military authorities, or actions of state, law enforcement or supervisory authorities.

5.11. To the extent permitted by law, we or our affiliates, representatives, managers or employees cannot be held liable for the damage caused to you, which arises from the provisions of this Contract or the use of the Application, including:

5.11.1. the emergence of any direct or indirect proprietary damage;

5.11.2. loss of earnings;

5.11.3. loss of business, contracts or contacts, reputational damage or standstills in business operations;

5.11.4. inaccuracy or destruction of data;

5.11.5. other damage.
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6. Licences

6.1. If you have installed the Application and created an Account, we will deem that you have consented to the terms and conditions of our Contract and give you the right to use the Application on your personal device and for personal purposes. The right of use does not grant you the right to use the Application for business purposes or transfer the right of use to another person. We reserve the right to restrict and cancel the right to use the Application for the purposes of managing the contractual relationship.

6.2. The following is prohibited when you use the Application:

6.2.1. avoiding, removing or turning off the security elements of the Application or interfering with their functioning in any other manner;

6.2.2. allowing another person to use the Application on your behalf;

6.2.3. using the Application if we have prohibited it;

6.2.4. behaving in an unlawful manner or in a manner that causes damage to us or to third parties or property;

6.2.5. obstruct the functioning of the Application or interfere with its data;

6.2.6. intentionally place file viruses, Trojans, malware, logic bombs or other similar files in the Application, which may cause damage to the Application or the other users of the Application;

6.2.7. collect data from the Application the collection of which is not stipulated in the Contract;

6.2.8. create content in the Application that is pornographic, violent, offensive, threatening, misleading or incorrect;

6.2.9. forward information or comments concerning another person without the consent of said person;

6.2.10. breach the right to privacy of other persons or disturb, humiliate or harass other persons;

6.2.11. use automated systems, including netbots and readers, to gain access to the Application in a manner that sends more requests to the Application than a person could send in the same time;

6.2.12. act in a manner that could be deemed inappropriate upon the use of the Application.

6.3. We deem erring against the prohibitions stipulated in point 6.2 a significant breach of the Contract, which may result in, at our discretion, one of the following:

6.3.1. suspension or termination of the right to use the Application;

6.3.2. temporary or permanent removal of the content created by you;

6.3.3. a warning;

6.3.4. initiation of legal proceedings against you, including for collection of the costs arising from the breach (including any justified administration and legal expenses);

6.3.5. forwarding said information to the law enforcement authority if there is a reason for doing so.

6.4. The information and data submitted by you via the Application must be accurate, true and complete, and you must guarantee that the submitted information and data are accurate, true and complete during the entire use of the services. Specifically, this means that if your data change, you must update and delete them as necessary. If we have reason to suspect that the data submitted by you are inaccurate, false or incomplete, we have the right to suspend the provision of services to you, incl. temporarily block your User Account. To the extent permitted by law, we have the right or the obligation to check the data submitted by you and we presume that you cooperate with us in good faith to clarify the correct data. You are liable for the damage caused by inaccurate, false or incomplete data.

7. Governing law

7.1. This Contract is governed by the law of the Republic of Estonia and interpreted in accordance with the law of the Republic of Estonia.

7.2. Both parties irrevocably and unconditionally agree that any disputes arising from the Contract will be resolved in the courts of the first and the second instance of the Republic of Estonia, and waive the right to file objections about said jurisdiction.

8. Miscellaneous

8.1. The notices and other information related to the Contract or the services must be e-mailed to info@c-box.eu or given by making a call to the 24h customer service number +3726840055.

8.2. You agree that we may assign the Contract and the related agreements to another person at our discretion.